2012 survey of chemical usage in Irish workplaces
The Chemical Usage Survey was undertaken by the Authority in 2012. This was a follow up survey to the Chemical Usage Survey carried out in 2007. The aim of the 2007 survey was to produce a profile of chemical usage in Irish workplaces which could then be used by the Health and Safety Authority to inform and direct the implementation of future chemical safety legislation and policy.
The focus of the survey was on the SME sector and the aim of the 2012 survey was to examine whether in the SME sector awareness of chemical legislation and management has increased over the past five years and, if so, to assess how this knowledge has improved. In addition, the survey examined awareness and knowledge of new Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation.
The findings of the 2012 survey suggest that while chemical awareness and awareness of the REACH Regulation would appear to be higher than when the first survey was conducted in 2007, there are still a number of issues which need to be addressed, such as increasing awareness of the CLP Regulation and the safe management and storage of chemicals.
The survey revealed that that the majority of Irish workplaces do not use CMR chemicals (Carcinogen, Mutogen, Reprotoxic chemicals). Skin sensitisers were the most commonly used high-risk chemicals, followed by respiratory sensitisers.
DOWNLOAD 2012 Survey of Chemical Usage in Irish Workplaces
Source: HSA Chemicals e-bulletin