Construction and Demolition Waste: Liability or Resource
Construction & Demolition (C&D) waste arises from construction, renovation and demolition projects and includes all waste categories mentioned in chapter 17 of the European Waste catalogue (EWC) and List of Waste (LoW) codes.
C&D material is normally perceived as a waste and a liability. Traditionally C&D waste was disposed off in the nearest hole in the ground, sometimes a licensed landfill and sometimes not. In more recent times recycling & reuse of C&D waste has become more common.
- ECOS have viewed C&D waste as a valuable resource and worked with businesses to realise it’s potential value.
The Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government (DoELG) has published Best Practice Guidelines relating to the preparation of waste management plans to promote an integrated approach to managing C&D waste throughout the duration of a project
The guidelines intend to:
- Promote sustainable development, environmental protection & optimum use of resources
- Provide guidance on the preparation of C&D waste management plans
- Promote an integrated approach whereby the management of C&D waste is given due consideration throughout the project
- Outline the manner in which clients, planners, designers, contractors & suppliers can act co-operatively to reduce C&D waste
- Provide an agreed basis for determining the adequacy of C&D waste management projects
- Provide guidance on the preparation C&D waste management plans.
The guideline also highlights that C&D waste management should reflect the waste hierarchy.
- Waste minimisation & prevention being the first priority, then
- Reuse & recycling.
For more information about how the value of C&D material can be realised, please contact us.
T: +353 (0) 61 633644