Ireland greenhouse gas emissions projections 2011-2020.
The EPA has published greenhouse gas emissions projections for the period 2011 to 2020. The projected trends for greenhouse gases and give a picture of Ireland’s ability to meet EU and international targets with respect to greenhouse gas emissions:
- Ireland can comply with its Kyoto obligations (2008 – 2012) with regard to greenhouse gas emissions.
- Ireland is predicted to breach its annual obligations under the EU 2020 target from 2017 onwards in the best-case scenario.
- Total emissions are projected to be 4.1 to 7.8 million tonnes of CO2eq above the EU 2020 target.
- Emissions from agriculture are projected to increase by 7.0% by 2020 (on 2010 levels) which shows the projected impact of Food Harvest 2020 and removal of EU milk quota.,32732,en.html