EPA New Template for AER
The Environmental Protection have developed a new template for AER 2019 reporting and announced an extension to the reporting deadline.
The Annual Environmental Report (AER) is a requirement for all EPA licensed facilities and should present a concise summary of the environmental performance of the site for the previous reporting year as well as a record of on-going improvements on the licensed site.
The Agency has simplified and changed the AER template for 2019 reporting.
It is envisaged that the new Word template will be made mandatory for 2020 reporting in 2021. To assist the transition to the new template two options are available:
- Complete and submit your AER using the new Word template on or before the 30th April 2020; OR
- Complete and submit the AER in your previous reporting format or existing Excel template before 31st March 2020.
The Annual Environmental Report (AER) is a public document and will be published on the EPA website.
- The AER template is worded and formatted to assist members of the public interpret the annual environmental performance of an industrial emissions, IPC or waste licensed facility (with exception of the intensive agriculture sector 3 ).
- The template also provides opportunities for licensees to highlight environmental achievements.
It should be noted that the the template is not the platform for large sections of text or images. Where a licence states that something is required as part of the AER, but it is not part of the new template or is not reported through the Environmental Performance Reporting (EPR) portal on EDEN, it shall be submitted as a licensee return on the EDEN portal, unless agreed with the EPA.
For further information or assistance in how to prepare your AER please contact us.
T: +353 (0) 61 633644 E: info@ecos.ie W: www.ecos.ie