Polluter Pays: So it is better to prevent than remediate
The Environmental Liability Directive 2004/35/EC establishes a framework based on the “polluter pays” principle to prevent and remediate environmental damage. The economic operator bears the financial consequences from harm or damage caused to the environment Where environmental damage has not yet occurred: The operator shall, without delay, take measures to inform the competent authority of all aspects...
READ ARTICLE >Why you should want to read an Environmental Report
Have you ever sat through a presentation or read a report where it was obvious that it was not prepared with you in mind. Any such presentation or report is destined to fail in the delivery of its message. In our experience it is essential that the presentation engages all stakeholders such that they understand the...
READ ARTICLE >Circular Economy Package: New Regulation
The re-use of raw materials that are now disposed of as waste is one of the key principles of the Circular Economy Package adopted in December 2015. The European Commission is proposing a Regulation which will significantly ease the access of organic and waste-based fertilisers to the EU single market, bringing them on a level playing...
READ ARTICLE >ISO 16075:2015, Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects
ISO 16075 is a new standard relating to the treatment and reuse of wastewater in agricultural irrigation projects and aims to maximize the benefits and reduce any related risks for the agricultural irrigation systems associated with the use of recycled water. In regions where water is scarce, treated wastewater can provide a new and vital source of water. It makes environmental...
READ ARTICLE >Lean reduces wasted resources and increases quality and value
In very simple terms, Lean is a particular way of structuring and managing a project that reduces waste while increasing quality and value for the customer. Lean encourages cost savings and allows for greater flexibility in the project development process and maximises co-operation with all stakeholders. Adapting lean principles and tools gives everyone involved in the project...
READ ARTICLE >EU chemicals legislation – Chemical safety in your business
Most companies use chemicals in one way or another. They are essential for our way of life and our economy, but they have to be managed safely so as to protect human health and the environment. Equal standards for the manufacturing, supply and safe use of chemicals apply across the entire European Economic Area (EEA) to...
READ ARTICLE >Construction and Demolition Waste: Liability or Resource
Construction & Demolition (C&D) waste arises from construction, renovation and demolition projects and includes all waste categories mentioned in chapter 17 of the European Waste catalogue (EWC). C&D material is normally perceived as a waste and a liability. Traditionally C&D waste was disposed off in the nearest hole in the ground, sometimes a licensed landfill and sometimes not....
READ ARTICLE >Waste production represents a significant economic loss
Two billions of tonnes of waste is produced in Europe every year and represents a significant economic loss. Waste prevention lies at the centre of the European Union’s policies on waste and Member States have a legal obligation to adopt and implement waste prevention programmes. The overarching principle behind EU and national waste policies is the ‘waste...
READ ARTICLE >New call for proposals on circular economy research & innovation
How can new Horizon 2020 circular economy research & innovation projects benefit from the experience of existing projects funded under different EU programmes? On 8 December 2015 EASME organised a kick-off & networking meeting for 21 waste-related research & innovation projects to help them share their knowledge and explore synergies. The meeting marked the official...
READ ARTICLE >Circol ELT (End of Life Tyres) compliance scheme
Circol ELT operate Ireland’s tyre compliance scheme, under approval from the Department of Environment, Climate Action and Communications Circol ELT operate under government approval as set out in the Waste Management (Tyres and Waste tyres) Regulations 2017. These Regulations set out the legal obligations for entities who have tyres as part of their business. Circol...