Eurofunding Toolbox: Templates, forms, case studies

Gaining access to EU Funds, or Eurofunding, involves a formal framework.  We have attached below some links to tools such as factsheets, templates, samples and forms which can assist with the process. Applying for funding How to write the application form with partners? How to develop a problem tree and an objective tree? How to design a solid...


ECOS to Provide Technical Support services to SMILE Resource Exchange

ECOS have been appointed to provide technical support services to SMILE Resource Exchange for the Southern Waste Management Region.  We look forward to working closely with SMILE and our counterparts in the East & Midlands and Connaught & Ulster waste management regions. SMILE Resource Exchange is a free service for businesses which: Encourages the exchanging of...


7 July 2015 deadline for Industrial Emissions Licences

7 July 2015 is the deadline for Industrial Emissions Licences for existing installations operating newly prescribed activities as presented in the First Schedule of EPA Acts 1992-2013 -V2. Section 7.8 of the revised first schedule of the EPA Act now includes the requirement for the following installations to be processed where the treatment and processing,...


Water Pollution Control Legislation

In Ireland, in cases where Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) and Industrial Emissions (IE) are not applicable, water pollution control legislation is exercised through the Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977-1990 and Water Services Act 2007-2013. Application for discharge to waters should be made to the relevant local authority and applications for discharge to sewer...


EPA App – It’s Easy to Report Environmental Pollution

The See It? Say It!’ App has been developed by the EPA to help people report any environmental pollution they see, via their phones.   The EPA App now links to the FixYourStreet website, which is monitored by all local authorities. Using the App a member of the public can take a photograph of the pollution...


Trade Can Drive the Transition to a Green Economy

The Trade and Green Economy Handbook – produced by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), aims to boost the interaction between trade and the Green Economy, thus opening up new possibilities to drive sustainable development. In 2013, the financial volume of global trade amounted to US$23.4 trillion. At...


Implementation of EU Water Legislation

Reports on the implementation of EU water legislation published by the European Commission show how water policies can be a source of green and blue economic growth, with water management technologies at the heart of eco-innovation. The EU Water Framework Directive sets a framework at European level that aims to ensure clean water in sufficient...


CLP 2015 deadline

The CLP Regulation requires hazardous chemicals to be classified, labelled and packaged appropriately before they are placed on the market.  All hazardous chemicals must be labelled and packaged to comply with the CLP Regulation by 1 June 2015. There is a transitional period of two years for those mixtures that have already been classified, labelled...


Responsibilities for Water Services In Ireland

On 1st January 2014, Uisce Éireann (formerly known as Irish Water) became the new national water utility that has the responsibility for the delivery of public water and waste water services, taking over the role that was previously held by Local Authorities. Uisce Éireann is the national water utility responsible for the operation of public...


Water Waste Wastewater: Examples of what we do

We are regularly asked “what exactly do you do?”.  Whereas this should be a very easy question to answer, a one liner never covers it. Our Clients repeatedly utilise the experience and expertise which we have gained over a wide range of business sectors and technical areas relating to Water Waste Wastewater projects and environmental management, including:...