Bottled Water Regulations Parameters and Quality Values

Have you ever wondered about the difference between Spring Water, Mineral Water, Sparkling Water and Tap Water. Directive 2003/40/EC established the list, concentration limits and labeling requirements for the constituents of natural mineral waters and the conditions for using ozone-enriched air for the treatment of natural mineral waters and spring waters. The directive was enabled...


Environmental Compliance in Irelands Print, Packaging and Labelling Sector

An Enterprise Ireland study entitled Environmental Compliance in Irelands Print, Packaging and Labelling Sector has examined the findings of approximately 100 reviews carried out on sixty client companies over the period 1995 to 2011.  The main findings of this study include the following; Wastewater management issues accounted for most non-conformances. The main difficulties arose with the...


EU end-of-waste criteria for compost

The EU executive  organised a stakeholder meeting to determine which types of biodegradable waste can be designated as “products”. Such a definition would allow the waste to be used as fertiliser. Countries’ compliance with the forthcoming EU criteria will be voluntary, but if treated waste does not meet the EU criteria, it can only be...


REACH deadlines may affect your business in 2013

There are a number of important deadlines relating to the Registration and Authorisation of chemicals happening under REACH, the EU chemicals Regulation during 2013. Irish companies in the business of manufacturing, importing or using chemicals may need to act ahead of these deadlines to ensure their business activities can continue.  Second Registration deadline – May...


Wastewater Discharge Licencing: Key Assessment Criteria – Receiving Water

A licencing authority will grant a discharge licence where the applicant can demonstrate to the licencing authority that a proposed or existing discharge can comply with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive and the objective of “Good” status receiving water. Where inadequate information has been presented the application may be refused or the licence...


Wastewater Discharge Licencing: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire – Establish the Facts to ensure you get the correct licence

Time and time again we come across businesses which have ended up with  unsustainable discharge licences primarily because they have not provided the licencing authority with the required information.  The applicant needs to be able to demonstrate to the licencing authority that a proposed or existing discharge can comply with the requirements of the Water...


Priority Substances in Water Directive : The Irish Presidency secured approval

The Priority Substances in Water Directive controls emissions, losses and discharges of so-called ‘priority substances’ to water by establishing environmental quality standards (EQSs) for them in water and requiring monitoring programmes.  The substances concerned include chemicals, certain metals, biocides, plant protection products and dioxins. For substances classified as priority hazardous substances, the legislation requires their...


Wastewater Treatment: Guidance Notes on Grease Management

Fats and oils found in wastewater are commonly referred to as FOG (Fats, Oils and Greases).  FOG may be derived from butter, lard, vegetable fats, oils, meats, nuts and cereals and are generated in large quantities in food businesses. FOG causes problems because it does not break down easily and solidifies at lower temperatures.  FOG...


Wastewater: Activated Sludge – Common Operating Problems

Information relating to key control parameters is essential if one is to optimize wastewater treatment plant performance. Many business could save themselves a lot of time and money through recording and reviewing information on a regular basis. The establishment of target and optimum ranges for key control parameters can assist in forecasting when non-compliances could...


ECHA urges registrants of intermediates to improve the quality of their dossiers

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has conducted a new IT-based screen ing of all REACH intermediate registration dossiers, which has raised serious quality and potential compliance concerns. The concerned registrants have been directly informed via REACH-IT and are requested to review and update their dossiers with correct information over the next three months. After this...