Limerick’s poor performance in national litter league

Litter survey: illegal graffiti was a major concern during 2012 for Limerick city, which ranked 38th in the  Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL) litter survey The cleanliness of our towns and cities has improved since measuring started in 2002, when only two in the country were better than ‘moderately littered’. Now all but seven are...


ADR Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road A Guide for Business

Dangerous goods are substances and articles which have been identified as hazardous for transport and present a risk to people, property and the environment. The ADR Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road A Guide For Business has been arranged to provide a comprehensive summary of the legal provisions of the ADR (European Agreement Concerning the International...


Chemical Hazards: New chemicals information sheets

New information sheets, entitled “Storage of Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories” and“Storage of Hazardous Chemicals in Warehouses & Drumstores” have been developed to provide guidance on the safe management of stored chemicals with hazardous properties such as toxic, flammable, corrosive, etc. The information sheets Advise on how such chemicals should be appropriately segregated according to hazard...


We wish you a prosperous and rewarding 2013

Thank you for your business in 2012. It has been a pleasure helping you reach your goals. We look forward to working with you again in the new year. We wish you a prosperous and rewarding 2013! ECOS Environmental Consultants Limited


Grant scheme for Septic Tanks

The Minister for the Environment, Phil Hogan, announced on 17 December 2012 that a grant scheme will be available for householders whose septic tanks and other domestic waste water treatment systems need repairing or updating following inspection under the Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012. Householders will need to register their system by 1 February 2013...


Ireland fined €3.5m for failing to comply with environmental law

Ireland has been fined €3.5m by the European Court of Justice for failing to comply with environmental law. In two judgements the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Ireland has to pay financial penalties for failure to comply with earlier Court judgments that established a breach of EU environmental law. This is...


Urban Wastewater Directive: Parameters and Quality Values

Directive 98/15/EC replaces directive 91/271/EEC and provides standards for treatment for urban waste water. The directive is implemented in Ireland by S.I. 254/2001 Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations, 2001 and S.I. 440/2004 Urban Waste Water Treatment (Amendment) Regulations, 2004 Parameter & Quality Values ECOS Environmental Consultants Limited


European Week for Waste Reduction

The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) in 2012 has enjoyed its biggest ever year. The week, which was first launched in 2009 by the LIFE project ‘EWWR’ (LIFE07 INF/F/000185), saw 10 793 separate actions organised across 25 European and two non-European countries, 17-25 November 2012. The LIFE project launched the EWWR to promote reductions in the amount of...


How sustainable is your supply chain?

Sustainability is a collaborative process and an accountable supply chain process can assist greatly in its success. Ceres  has created a free 20-page template to help companies assess which business partners may be putting their own sustainability agenda at risk.  The Ceres Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ): Building the Foundation for Sustainable Supply Chains offers a series...


Sustainable Supply Chain Strategies

According to a new report from independent analyst firm Verdantix., the world’s largest food producers need to Invest in more robust codes of conduct for the management of environmental issues in the supply chain Set a broader range of targets for improved future performance, The study finds significant variation in the ambition and robustness of the...