Ireland greenhouse gas emissions projections 2011-2020.

The EPA has published greenhouse gas emissions projections for the period 2011 to 2020.  The projected trends for greenhouse gases and give a picture of Ireland’s ability to meet EU and international targets with respect to greenhouse gas emissions: Ireland can comply with its Kyoto obligations (2008 – 2012) with regard to greenhouse gas emissions....


Science Council focuses on actions for sustainability of research centres

The Advisory Council on Science, Technology and Innovation (ACSTI) made a series of recommendations on how best to support research centres in Ireland with a view to optimising future potential social and economic returns from State investments in research, development and Innovation (RD&I). The report, entitled, Sustainability of Research Centres, looks at the makeup and...


Septic Tank Registration

The WATER SERVICES (AMENDMENT) ACT 2012 has been published wherein provision has been made to require households to register their septic tanks by February 1 2013. Registration can be completed online at The act incorporates new rules on septic tanks which will oblige homeowners to make sure they are working properly and not polluting...


Article 27 of the European Communities (Waste Directive) Regulations 2011 – by-product of soil & stone – EPA Consultation

Excess soil and stone is regularly generated at development and construction sites.  Sometimes the soil and stone is from greenfield sites and contains no anthropogenic contamination.  Other times, the soil and stone is from brownfield sites – ranging from sites that simply had buildings on them to sites that are heavily contaminated with industrial or...


ESRI: Environment Review 2012

The ESRI report, Environment Review 2012, presents projections of environmental emissions such as greenhouse gases, waste generation, and nutrients from agriculture covering the period to 2030. Greenhouse Gas Emissions:  Ireland will comply with its Kyoto Protocol target covering the period 2008-2012 but compliance with longer term targets will be much more difficult.  Without significant policy...


EU Industrial Emissions Directive

The Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government invites comments on the transposition of the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU). The Directive revises and merges seven separate existing Directives related to industrial emissions into a single Directive and aims to simplify existing legislation related to industrial emissions.  The seven existing Directives are the: 3 Titanium...


Ratification of the Aarhus Convention – it has only taken 14 years

Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government (12 June 2012) presented a motion to the Select Sub-Committee on Environment, Community and Local Government proposing approval by Dáil Éireann of the ratification by Ireland of the Aarhus Convention . Ireland signed the Aarhus Convention on its adoption in June 1998 and is the only EU...


Nutrient overload remains despite improvements in legislation

In recent years, strict legislation was introduced to control the amount of nitrate and phosphate that runs into the sea from European rivers.  However, water quality has not improved as much as expected and researchers estimate that a time lag of up to 40 years may need to be considered. Excess nutrients can cause an unnatural...


SMEs should tap into €8bn in EU funding

InterTradeIreland is active in facilitating SME partnerships and North/South collaborations through a range of supports and a dedicated web resource providing guidance, advice and links to other useful websites. InterTradeIreland Cross Border Collaboration Voucher – that can be redeemed against the cost of travel or accommodation for up to £500 / €550 when meeting with partners,...


European Commission Public Consultation

The European Commission is launching a new public consultation, which is meant to provide input for the mid-term review of the industrial policy communication planned for September 2012. This review will focus on developing a limited number of new initiatives that can deliver substantial results in the short to medium-term. The consultation is due to identify...