EPA Fire Water Retention Guidance Consultation
The EPA Fire Water Retention Guidance (Final Draft) Note provides guidance to operators of industrial activities on the requirements for, design and types of, firewater retention facilities. The EPA first published its Guidance Note to Industry on Fire Water Retention Facilities in 1995. This document is now being revised to update it to take into account...
READ ARTICLE >ECOS Waste Management Services
Waste reduction and management are now seen as crucial in all business sectors. Our environmental consultancy waste management services include:
READ ARTICLE >EPA launches “National Waste Statistics” web resource
The Environmental Protections agency (EPA) has launched the National Waste Statistics web resource and has also published information on hazardous waste for 2015 and 2016 and municipal waste for 2014. The new web resource replaces the EPA’s biennial National Waste Report as the primary source of waste statistics in Ireland. The EPA will regularly update National Waste Statistics,...
READ ARTICLE >Draft Guidance Note on Soil Recovery Waste Acceptance Criteria
The EPA developed this guidance document applies to soil recovery facilities which exceed the operational thresholds for waste facility permits. Facilities that exceed these thresholds are required to operate under a Waste Licence granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (the Agency). Licensed soil recovery facilities are typically worked-out quarries that are in the process of...
READ ARTICLE >Article 11: Determine Which Waste Authorisation is Required
The Article 11 process is the mechanism which can be used where there is uncertainty as to which type of waste authorisation may required – i.e. waste licence, waste facility permit, certificate of registration or none of these. Clarification can be sought from the Environmental Protection Agency to determine the question for you in advance...
READ ARTICLE >Resource Efficiency: Boost Business Competitiveness by Reducing Costs & Increasing Productivity
Resource Efficiency offers a clear win-win scenario by achieving real savings through reducing wastage. ECOS provide technical support to the Resource Exchange, which facilitates recovery/reuse of wastes/resources – #circulareconomy The Europe 2020 strategy highlights the fact that resource efficiency is crucial to securing growth and jobs for Europe. Ireland’s National Waste Prevention Programme has successfully...
READ ARTICLE >EPA is making waves with new beaches.ie website
The EPA has launched beaches.ie – a new mobile enabled website providing information about bathing water at Ireland’s beautiful beaches and lakes. The website will allow people to access the information they need before a day out at the seaside. beaches.ie is set up for mobile devices so allowing visitors quick and easy access to...
READ ARTICLE >EPA: Irish Water Remedial Action
The Remedial Action list is a public record for the supplies known to be at risk and where the EPA is requiring Irish Water to take corrective action. The EPA has instructed Irish Water to submit an action programme for the improvement of each of these supplies and has initiated enforcement action where action programmes...
READ ARTICLE >Resource Efficiency: Boost business competitiveness by reducing costs and increasing productivity!
Resource Efficiency offers a clear win-win scenario by achieving real savings through reducing wastage. ECOS provide technical support to the Resource Exchange, which facilitates recovery/reuse of wastes/resources – #circulareconomy The Europe 2020 strategy highlights the fact that resource efficiency is crucial to securing growth and jobs for Europe. Ireland’s National Waste Prevention Programme has successfully...
READ ARTICLE >Research Project Communication Plans
The EPA have published guidelines for research project communication plans. Communication is a vehicle for demonstrating the value of a research project and soliciting feedback from stakeholders to improve the quality of a research project. Formal communication plans allow a project team to foster an understanding of the research project and its benefits to all...