Can You Minimize your Environmental Liability?

Minimize potential environmental liability by ensuring that your business, employees and contractors understand: Legal & corporate requirements Their duties & obligations What to recognize What actions to take What and How to report Who is responsible Why it is important ECOS builds in-house expertise using a range of formal and informal training forums including one to...


Urban Waste Water Discharges in Ireland

Serious deficiencies exist with urban waste water treatment plants and there are widespread and negative impacts on the environment flowing from these deficiencies. The EPA report “Focus on Urban Waste Water Discharges in Ireland” (February 2012) has identified that almost 50% of urban waste water treatment facilities in Ireland do not meet EU waste water quality...


Clarification of EU packaging definition

The European Commission has proposed a list of products and materials to clarify what should and should not be considered as packaging. Some 26 items have been added to an annex to the 2004 EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive. The list was sent to the Council of Ministers last week following a consultation with...



The EPA has issued a draft guidance documented is intended for use by EPA licensed sites in order to provide licensees with a methodology for setting appropriate site specific trigger levels at storm water discharge points. The EPA has issued a draft guidance documented intended for use by EPA licensed sites to provide licensees with...


Environmental Compliance and Sustainability

Environmental Compliance means conforming to environmental laws, standards, legal mandates, regulations, lease stipulations, mitigation measures, approved plans and permits, and other conditions of approval for activities. Environmental Sustainability relates to activities and developments which address current needs without compromising the ability  to meet future requirements. ECOS applies our specialist knowledge and support our clients to achieve...


Water, Wastewater: Requirements for Treatment and Compliance

The requirement for control and treatment of Water and Wastewater is driven by health and legislative requirements, including: Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977-1990. The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 Urban Wastewater Treatment (91/271/EEC) Drinking Water (80/778/EEC as amended by 98/83/EC) ECOS have over 20 years of specialist expertise and...


Water Charges for 1.35 million households from 2014

Up to 90% of the country’s 1.35 million households will start paying water charges from 2014, according to a new report prepared for the Government. Consumers will also pay VAT on top of their bills, as a private company, Irish Water, will be charging for the services instead of a public body.   The water...


Inefficient use of water resources threatens the economy, productivity and ecosystems

The European Environment Agency (EEA) report which was presented at the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille stated that the continent’s water resources were under pressure, limited supplies were being wasted, and nations had to implement existing legislation more effectively. The EEA report is the first of five water-themed reports that the agency planned to...


Draft Performance Standards for Septic Tanks and other Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems

The draft performance standards for septic tanks and other domestic waste water treatment systems were published on 1 March 2012. The draft standards set out the responsibilities of owners of septic tanks and other systems may be summarised as follows: Know where your tank/treatment system is located. Visually examine the tank/treatment system and percolation area...


Environmental Liability

The European Communities (Environmental Liability) Regulations 2008, (SI 547 of 2008) came into force in Ireland on 1 April 2009 with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage. Environmental liability is based on the “polluter-pays” principle.  The Regulations introduced a positive reporting obligation on operators in respect of actual or threatened environmental damage....