Regulatory Information on Hazardous Chemicals

ECHA’s website now provides detailed information on the import and export of certain very hazardous chemicals and pesticides which are subject to the Prior Informed Concern (PIC) Regulation. The new web pages contain over 10 years of regulatory information, reports and statistics that were previously made available in the European Database of Export and Import...


EPA Research Call 2014 – provisional dates

EPA are currently in the final stages of preparing their 2014 Research call. This year’s call will be worth approximately €7 million, split between the Climate, Water and Sustainability pillars. There will also be a seperate Green Enterprise call worth approximately €200,000.  EPA Research Call 2014 Provisional dates: Call opens: 27 June 2014 Applicant Deadline: 5 August...


New LIFE Regulation published: programme continues to 2020

The new LIFE Regulation has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union, the official record of EU legislation. The Regulation – which was published on 20 December 2013 – establishes the Environment and Climate Action sub-programmes of the LIFE Programme for the next funding period, 2014–2020. The budget for the period is...


€40 million: 14 resource-efficiency research projects

The European Commission has approved funding for 14 new research projects to shape a more resource-efficient economy in Europe. A summary of the 14 resource-efficiency research projects that will receive a total €40 million funding is presented below.   ANAGENNISI (Innovative Reuse of All Tyre Components in Concrete, EU budget contribution: € 3.12 million, Project coordinator: The University...


EU Funding research on resource efficiency

The European Commission has approved funding for 14 new research projects with the stated aim of shaping a more resource-efficient economy in Europe. The projects, which involve the collaboration of over 140 partners from research organisations and private companies, will tackle the challenges of recycling waste materials from manufactured products and the agricultural sector to...


Water Recycling Criteria for Agricultural Irrigation

The 2012 report, “Review of California’s Water Recycling Criteria for Agricultural Irrigation,” was developed in response to increased interest in expanding the amount of recycled water used for agricultural purposes.  It specifically addressed the risk of exposure and infection from waterborne pathogens, such as Cryptosporidium and E. coli, due to the irrigation of a wide variety of food crops using recycled water. Key...


Web portal provides eco-innovation one-stop shop

The ECOWEB portal ( ), which launched at the beginning of May 2013, is targeted in particular at small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) that might have the potential to develop some of the eco-innovative ideas and to make them a success in the marketplace. The portal has been established by a consortium led by Eutema, an...


Eco-Innovation: Guide for SME

A practical guide to eco-innovation has been published which is addressed to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The booklet overviews emerging business opportunities eco-innovation has to offer to companies that reconsider business models, develop new products, technologies or services, or improve production processes. This guide which is divided into six sections, summarises key business issues, questions and...


Science Council focuses on actions for sustainability of research centres

The Advisory Council on Science, Technology and Innovation (ACSTI) made a series of recommendations on how best to support research centres in Ireland with a view to optimising future potential social and economic returns from State investments in research, development and Innovation (RD&I). The report, entitled, Sustainability of Research Centres, looks at the makeup and...