Urban Waste Water Discharges in Ireland
Serious deficiencies exist with urban waste water treatment plants and there are widespread and negative impacts on the environment flowing from these deficiencies. The EPA report “Focus on Urban Waste Water Discharges in Ireland” (February 2012) has identified that almost 50% of urban waste water treatment facilities in Ireland do not meet EU waste water quality...
READ ARTICLE >Trigger Values for Storm Water Discharges to Water
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires no deterioration in the status of a water body. The status of and possible impacts on receiving waters from storm water discharges can affect this status and must be considered. Trigger levels on the discharge can be utilised as a tool to ensure the maintenance of the status of...
The EPA has issued a draft guidance documented is intended for use by EPA licensed sites in order to provide licensees with a methodology for setting appropriate site specific trigger levels at storm water discharge points. The EPA has issued a draft guidance documented intended for use by EPA licensed sites to provide licensees with...