Minimize your environmental liability

Minimize potential environmental liability by ensuring that your business, employees and contractors understand: Legal & corporate requirements Their duties & obligations What to recognize What actions to take What and How to report Who is responsible Why it is important ECOS builds in-house expertise using a range of formal and informal training forums including one to...


Register of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems

The Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012  requires water services authorities to maintain a register of domestic waste water treatment systems in their functional areas. The Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) has developed a central on-line registration system and will manage the system on a shared-service basis for the water services authorities. Under the Act, owners...


Farmers reduce soil erosion and water pollution

Farmers have collaborated with scientists in France to evaluate agri-environmental measures that reduce soil erosion and surface water pollution at a catchment level. The exercise helped the farmers understand the benefits of the measures and provides an example of how policymakers could engage with stakeholders under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The farmers helped develop...


Clare County Council Crackdown On Illegal Waste Activity

Clare County Council is increasing its monitoring of illegal waste activity such as fly-tipping, backyard burning of waste and illegal waste. Enforcement work is carried out regularly and in conjunction with other local authorities, the Gardaí and other state agencies, while the Council also is utilising CCTV surveillance to detect illegal waste activity. Clare County Council...


Water Shortages and Water Charges: Water – Rainwater – Greywater – Wastewater

Water Shortages and Water Charges: in summary there is not enough water and we must pay for what we use. ECOS helps all types of businesses to address their requirements in a sustainable manner, both economically and environmentally, by providing Expert environmental knowledge Independent advice Proactive solutions Reduce – Reuse – Recyle Water – Rainwater – Greywater...


Rio+20 – time to rethink the way we use natural resources

In the 20-year gap between the two Rio summits (1992 – 2012), the earth’s population has grown from 5.4 billion to more than 7 billion – a leap of almost 30 %.  This has had a knock-on effect on global use of natural resources, in tandem with increasing per capita consumption levels. Although greenhouse gas...


Save money through informed pollution prevention

Prevention of waste production and pollution is more efficient and economically viable than non-compliance with legal requirements. ECOS helps all types of businesses to cost effectively comply with legal requirements and prevent pollution. ✓         Reduce the input of materials and energy ✓         Reuse or sympathetically dispose/treat of wastes ✓         Employ the most...


Ireland greenhouse gas emissions projections 2011-2020.

The EPA has published greenhouse gas emissions projections for the period 2011 to 2020.  The projected trends for greenhouse gases and give a picture of Ireland’s ability to meet EU and international targets with respect to greenhouse gas emissions: Ireland can comply with its Kyoto obligations (2008 – 2012) with regard to greenhouse gas emissions....


Science Council focuses on actions for sustainability of research centres

The Advisory Council on Science, Technology and Innovation (ACSTI) made a series of recommendations on how best to support research centres in Ireland with a view to optimising future potential social and economic returns from State investments in research, development and Innovation (RD&I). The report, entitled, Sustainability of Research Centres, looks at the makeup and...


Septic Tank Registration

The WATER SERVICES (AMENDMENT) ACT 2012 has been published wherein provision has been made to require households to register their septic tanks by February 1 2013. Registration can be completed online at The act incorporates new rules on septic tanks which will oblige homeowners to make sure they are working properly and not polluting...