REACH Authorisatio: Eight More Substances added to the list

Eight more substances of very high concern (SVHC) have been added to the REACH Authorisation list of substances subject to prior approval (Authorisation), following a decision adopted by the European Commission on 14 February 2012.   The substances, with uses including plasticisers, pigments and  glass manufacture, are diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) diarsenic trioxide  diarsenic pentaoxide lead chromate,...


Water, Wastewater: Requirements for Treatment and Compliance

The requirement for control and treatment of Water and Wastewater is driven by health and legislative requirements, including: Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977-1990. The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 Urban Wastewater Treatment (91/271/EEC) Drinking Water (80/778/EEC as amended by 98/83/EC) ECOS have over 20 years of specialist expertise and...


Pollution Prevention is an Essential Component of Sustainability.

Pollution prevention as a term has become less used recently, supplanted by sustainability.  However, the fundamental idea of preventing pollution rather than trying to address problems caused by pollution is essential for efficient, economically viable development, ie Sustainable Development. It  makes sense, both economically and environmentally, to. Reduce the input of materials and energy Minimize the...


Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability relates to activities and developments which address current needs without compromising the ability  to meet future requirements. We apply our specialist knowledge to support clients with a range of activities including: Product and Process Appraisal Training & Reports Independent Unbiased Information  Performance Audits Technology and Operations Review Cost Effective Compliance ECOS utilizes our...


Prevention is Better than Cure: Sustainability

Pollution prevention rather than trying to address problems caused by pollution is essential for efficient, economically viable development, ie Sustainable Development. It  makes sense, both economically and environmentally, to. Reduce the input of materials and energy Minimize the amount of waste for treatment and disposal Reuse or sympathetically dispose/treat of wastes Invest in prevention to save...


Environmental Management System Structure

The components of an Environmental Management System (EMS) (as defined under the ISO 14001 specification, EMAS Regulation or in a license) incorporates: Baseline Environmental Review/Audit Planning Environmental Policy Environmental Objectives and Targets EM Programme Implementation and Operation Operational Control Emergency Preparedness and Response Responsibility Allocation Awareness and Training Communications Check and Review Checks and Corrective...


Water Charges for 1.35 million households from 2014

Up to 90% of the country’s 1.35 million households will start paying water charges from 2014, according to a new report prepared for the Government. Consumers will also pay VAT on top of their bills, as a private company, Irish Water, will be charging for the services instead of a public body.   The water...


Inefficient use of water resources threatens the economy, productivity and ecosystems

The European Environment Agency (EEA) report which was presented at the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille stated that the continent’s water resources were under pressure, limited supplies were being wasted, and nations had to implement existing legislation more effectively. The EEA report is the first of five water-themed reports that the agency planned to...


Renewable Energy: Requirement & Aspiration vs Reality

Under the EU Renewable Energy Directive, Ireland has a mandatory target to achieve 16% of its total energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020. Ireland has also set itself a binding target to achieve a 40% renewable energy share of total electricity supply by 2020. The “proposal” was that the vast bulk of this will...


Groundwater in Ireland

Groundwater is the water that trickles through the soil and into underlying rocks during the Water Cycle. Once in the bedrock the water moves slowly through and is stored in the pores or cracks in the rock.  If enough water is stored in this way in a bedrock deposit, it is referred to as an aquifer. Groundwater seeps up...