Environmental Liability Directive

The Environmental Liability Directive (2004/35/EC) is based on the ‘polluter pays’ principle.  It requires those operators whose activities pose an imminent threat of environmental damage to take preventive actions, and where such damage has occurred, to remediate it and cover the costs of these measures and any costs incurred by the competent authority (Environmental Protection...


Environmental Legislation – Water

In Ireland the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977, (as amended by the 1990 Act) provides the principal legal framework for the prevention and control of water pollution. This act includes A general prohibition against water pollution as well Provisions on licensing direct and indirect discharges Water quality standards and management plans. Increased maximum penalties...


Water Pollution Ireland

Contaminants can enter water bodies in a variety of ways.  These include: Discharges from sewage works and industrial plants at identifiable point sources Intermittent discharges from sources such as storm flows and land run-off Continuous leaching from surrounding ground Deposition from the air e.g. acid rain Accidental or deliberate spillages or dumping Releases from dead...



ECOS provide expert environmental knowledge, advice and solutions to all types of businesses and regulators. We provide: Excellent troubleshooting and problem solving skills Extensive knowledge of environmental technology, best practice, and legislation 20 years of practical experience in supporting public and private sector clients Delivery of reliable effective and sustainable solutions on time and within...