Classification, Labelling & Packaging 2015: ACT NOW!
On the 1st of June 2015 all mixtures placed on the Irish market must be classified, labelled and packaged in accordance with CLP and a lot of work has to be done in advance to achieve this.
- During 2014 the Health and Safety Authority will continue to raise awareness among stakeholders about classification of mixtures, what it means in practice and what you need to start doing now to be ready for 2015.
- The European Commission are planning to host a workshop on this topic in September 2014.
- The European Chemicals Agency are working on providing a web portal to make the information and guidance on the classification of mixtures more accessible, easier to navigate and to understand, with a particular focus on the needs of SMEs.
The HSA are making plans to get the message out about the classification of mixtures to all those who will be affected by the deadline, from individual formulators to workers and consumers (Feedback can be emailed to using the subject line, ‘CLP 2015 Act Now! – feedback’ ).
Source: HSA