Construction and Demolition Waste: Liability or Resource
Construction & Demolition (C&D) waste arises from construction, renovation and demolition projects and includes all waste categories mentioned in chapter 17 of the European Waste catalogue (EWC) and List of Waste (LoW) codes. C&D material is normally perceived as a waste and a liability. Traditionally C&D waste was disposed off in the nearest hole in the...
READ ARTICLE >‘Take a green step’ website is now online!
Take A Green Step is brought to you by the European Commission’s Directorate General for the Environment, supported by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Do you work in the tourism sector? Are you looking for ways to make your hotel or restaurant more eco-friendly? Then check out this new website which is full of...
READ ARTICLE >Food waste in healthcare: European policy and national initiatives
Preventing and reducing food waste has become a global priority – one-third of food produced in the world – approximately 1.3 billion tons – is wasted every year. This misuse of valuable resources has a significant impact on the environment, economy, health, and society as a whole. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 calls...
READ ARTICLE >Resource Efficiency: Boost Business Competitiveness by Reducing Costs & Increasing Productivity
Resource Efficiency offers a clear win-win scenario by achieving real savings through reducing wastage. ECOS provide technical support to the Resource Exchange, which facilitates recovery/reuse of wastes/resources – #circulareconomy The Europe 2020 strategy highlights the fact that resource efficiency is crucial to securing growth and jobs for Europe. Ireland’s National Waste Prevention Programme has successfully...
READ ARTICLE >EPA is making waves with new website
The EPA has launched – a new mobile enabled website providing information about bathing water at Ireland’s beautiful beaches and lakes. The website will allow people to access the information they need before a day out at the seaside. is set up for mobile devices so allowing visitors quick and easy access to...
READ ARTICLE >Bio-Enterprise Academy: National Call for Applications
The AgriForValor H2020 project has just launched a national call for applications for the ‘Bio- Enterprise Academy’, an intensive support program for researchers and entrepreneurs. The Academy is designed for innovators with cutting edge ideas, solutions & technologies for the valorisation of biomass & biomass side streams from the agri & forestry sectors. The highest...
READ ARTICLE >Waste Collection Permit: Guide for Application or Renewal
A waste collection permit is required where a person wishes to collect waste for the purposes of reward or profit as provided for under: . Waste Collection Permit Guide Waste Collection Permit applications and annual returns are administered by the (National Waste Collection Permits Office (NWCPO) which is part of Offaly County Council and...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Management: Legislation & Best Practice
Environmental management has a raft of legislation associated with it covering air emissions water, waste water, integrated pollution control now known as industrial emissions. Environmental management has significant implications for business in terms of legal compliance, cost and technical measures to be implemented. How you address environmental management can have a significant bearing on your business and profitability. There are...
READ ARTICLE >Green Business Seminar: Ennis 28 June 2017
Green your business, reduces your costs and make your business more sustainable! Businesses of all sizes can make significant cost savings by focusing on waste in their business. Every business creates unnecessary waste. This can often be due to complacency and bad habits. This seminar will explore the ways companies can reduce and eliminate waste...
READ ARTICLE >Recycling: Are we doing it correctly?
How are the we doing when it comes to recycling? Most of us are doing it to some extent but some of us are unsure if we are doing it correctly. Thankfully as a nation we are switched on to the importance of recycling and the role that we play as individuals. However, even with...