New Guidance: Financial Provision for Environmental Liabilities

Financial Provision is a mechanism which the EPA employ to ensure that the State is not exposed to clean-up costs associated with environmental incidents be they historical or more recent. Financial provision is defined as putting in place a financial instrument or other approved financial provision to cover the full cost of remedial measures if an incident...


Autumn Business Expo.

We are looking forward to learning about your businesses at the Autumn Business Expo. Tuesday 6th October from 6-8pm at N. Conlan & Sons Ltd on the Tipperary Road, Limerick. Please join us at the ECOS stand. Water Waste Wastewater Resource Exchange #circulareconomy


Contaminated Land and Groundwater: Guidance Document

Many of businesses need to manage contaminated land and groundwater, arising either from historical site activities or a more recent site incident.  The EPA have published guidance on the management of contaminated land and groundwater at EPA licensed facilities. The guidance presents the risk based approach which is considered to be best practice for the assessment and remediation...


Does your SME engage in CSR – are you sure

ISME, the Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association, released the results of its ‘SMEs and CSR’ survey which assessed the level of SME engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in 2015. The Association found that all respondents were active in CSR, despite the fact that only 54% were aware that their activities could be classified...


Environmental Complaints – what to do

The EPA have presented advice on who to contact and what to do when you identify an environmental problem. Who to Contact In many cases, it will be possible to resolve an environmental problem by contacting the person or business that you think is causing the problem directly. If you do contact the person or...


Control of Major Accident Hazards: COMAH Regulations

Major industrial accidents involving dangerous substances pose a significant threat to humans and the environment; such accidents can give rise to serious injury to people or serious damage to the environment, both on and off the site of the accident. In Europe, a catastrophic accident in the Italian town of Seveso in 1976 prompted the...


Waste Classification – Is your Waste Hazardous or Non-hazardous?

The EPA has published an updated waste classification list and information aimed at assisting you to determine whether or not you waste is hazardous. The waste classification system applies across the EU and is the basis for all national and international waste reporting obligations. The EPA reference document is split into two to accommodate users; the full listing is...


OECD eChemPortal: classification of chemicals

The OECD eChemPortal offers comprehensive information on chemical substances and has been updated to offer better access to chemical classifications according to the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). This tool can be used for finding information on hazard identification to support health and environment decisions concerning chemicals. eChemPortal users can simultaneously search for...


REACH Registration for chemicals 2018 deadline

In January 2015, ECHA published its REACH registration 2018 Roadmap, which splits the registration into seven phases, and describes the milestones of each phase and support activities that ECHA plans to give to the registrants. All chemical substances produced or imported in the European Economic Area between 1 and 100 tonnes a year need to...


Consultation on the Significant Water Management Issues in Ireland

Submissions and comments are invited on the Significant Water Management Issues in Ireland for the Development of the Second Cycle River Basin Management. The Water Framework Directive was adopted in 2000 and requires member States to manage their water resources on an integrated basis in order to achieve at least ‘good’ ecological status. The first cycle...