World of Water: Education
The World of Water is a website that has been developed to educate and promote a positive attitude towards our freshwater environments. The course Our Water, Our Resource, Our Responsibility is available for download from the website. This course was developed for adults and second level students and explains many of the issues pertaining to water management. Course notes...
READ ARTICLE >Enforcement Policy: Illegal Waste Activity
Limerick County Council’s Enforcement Policy document sets out the policy framework that Limerick County Council will use in acting against illegal waste activity. The legislation which The Council operate under is the Waste Management Acts 1996 to 2008 (WMA Acts). Underlying the policy against illegal waste activity are: Proportionality in the application of environmental law...
READ ARTICLE >Check Your Drinking Water Quality Data: County Limerick
View Drinking Water Quality data for the Public Water Supply and for Public and Private Group Water Schemes on the Limerick County Council Drinking Water Quality Information System.
READ ARTICLE >Guide to Effective Environmental Management have produced a series of Best Practice guides. The guide on approaches to improving the environmental performance of your business provides an introduction to current approaches for improving the environmental performance of industrial processes, products & services. The guide includes sections on:- How to get started Practical supports and information sources Change
READ ARTICLE >Draft Performance Standards for Septic Tanks and other Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems
The draft performance standards for septic tanks and other domestic waste water treatment systems were published on 1 March 2012. The draft standards set out the responsibilities of owners of septic tanks and other systems may be summarised as follows: Know where your tank/treatment system is located. Visually examine the tank/treatment system and percolation area...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Liability
The European Communities (Environmental Liability) Regulations 2008, (SI 547 of 2008) came into force in Ireland on 1 April 2009 with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage. Environmental liability is based on the “polluter-pays” principle. The Regulations introduced a positive reporting obligation on operators in respect of actual or threatened environmental damage....
READ ARTICLE >Evaluation of the replacement Waste Management Plan Limerick/Clare/Kerry 2006-2011
The Limerick/Clare/Kerry Waste Management Region has commenced an evaluation of the replacement of the Waste Management Plan Limerick.Clare/Kerry 2006 – 2011 and, the Plan will be revised or replaced as necessary to comply with the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). The evaluation of must occur by 31 December 2012. The subsequent revision or replacement of waste...
READ ARTICLE >How To Reduce Waste, Save Money and Benefit The Environment
The BeGreen programmes provide specific sectors with ways in which they can participate in making Ireland a more sustainable country while saving themselves money. BeGreen brings together all of the guides and programmes that have been put in place by the EPA, local authorities and others to promote waste prevention. The guides provide easy to...
READ ARTICLE >Guidance on Reducing Business Waste – Limerick Clare Kerry
Limerick Clare Kerry Regional Waste Management Office co-ordinate the implementation of the objectives set out in the Limerick Clare Kerry Regional Waste Management Plan and ensure that the targets set out in the Plan are achieved within the specified dates. NIPP (or New Integrated Prevention Programme) is a co-ordinated programme of waste prevention initiatives undertaken...
READ ARTICLE >Annual Environmental Report – EPA Guidance for 2012
The Annual Environmental Report (AER) is a requirement for all Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) licensed facilities. The EPA is currently standardising the content of AER’s to collect only relevant, interpreted data. The EPA have produced a guidance document and a series of templates intended to assist in standardising the reporting format of the AER and...