Irish Water established to Reform Water Services in Ireland
Irish Water will be established as a wholly owned public water utility and will remain in public ownership. In just twenty years, it is anticipated that global demand for water will be forty percent higher than it is today so Ireland’s valuable water resources play a vital role in enhancing Ireland’s competitiveness and supporting water-dependent...
READ ARTICLE >Water Footprint Assessment Manual: Free Download
The global water footprint standard is contained in the Water Footprint Assessment Manual which can be downloaded for free. The book offers a complete and up-to-date overview of the global standard on water footprint assessment as developed by the Water Footprint Network. It: Provides a comprehensive set of methods for water footprint assessment Shows how...
READ ARTICLE >Do you use water or produce wastewater?
Have you ever had issues relating to water or wastewater? (I bet you have) ECOS provides expert environmental knowledge, advice and solutions to all types of businesses. We can help you to address your requirements in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. For more information please contact us at 061 633644/ or visit our website...
READ ARTICLE >Trigger Values for Storm Water Discharges to Water
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires no deterioration in the status of a water body. The status of and possible impacts on receiving waters from storm water discharges can affect this status and must be considered. Trigger levels on the discharge can be utilised as a tool to ensure the maintenance of the status of...
READ ARTICLE >Water Becomes Wastewater – We all use it, We all produce it
It costs money coming in, it costs money going out. ECOS helps all types of businesses to address your environmental requirements in a sustainable manner, both economically and environmentally. Water & Wastewater Quality, Control & Treatment Environmental Compliance & Liability Discharge Licence Application & Review Sustainability: Environmental & Economic Environmental Investigation & Assessment Technology, Product &...
READ ARTICLE >Ireland’s Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
The purpose of the register is to fulfill the requirements of the Aarhus Convention, as a simple means of affording access to information about environmental emissions and transfers. The pollutant release and transfer register lists in excess of 300 industrial facilities engaged in environmentally hazardous activities. For each facility, information is provided concerning the amount...
The EPA has issued a draft guidance documented is intended for use by EPA licensed sites in order to provide licensees with a methodology for setting appropriate site specific trigger levels at storm water discharge points. The EPA has issued a draft guidance documented intended for use by EPA licensed sites to provide licensees with...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Compliance and Sustainability
Environmental Compliance means conforming to environmental laws, standards, legal mandates, regulations, lease stipulations, mitigation measures, approved plans and permits, and other conditions of approval for activities. Environmental Sustainability relates to activities and developments which address current needs without compromising the ability to meet future requirements. ECOS applies our specialist knowledge and support our clients to achieve...
READ ARTICLE >Water Pollution In Ireland: Eutrophication
Eutrophication is the increase in chemical nutrients in an ecosystem which results in excessive plant growth and decay. Whereas nutrients are a requirement in order for aquatic plants and animals to grow, unnaturally high levels of nutrients cause excessive growth. When the plants die, they are decomposed by micro-organisms including bacteria which consume oxygen dissolved...
READ ARTICLE >REACH Authorisatio: Eight More Substances added to the list
Eight more substances of very high concern (SVHC) have been added to the REACH Authorisation list of substances subject to prior approval (Authorisation), following a decision adopted by the European Commission on 14 February 2012. The substances, with uses including plasticisers, pigments and glass manufacture, are diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) diarsenic trioxide diarsenic pentaoxide lead chromate,...