Sustainability Vs Environmental Requirements
ECOS helps all types of businesses by providing expert environmental knowledge, advice and solutions. We can help you to address your requirements in a sustainable manner, both economically and environmentally. We comprise a team of experienced professionals with proven experience and skills in the environmental services sector. We understand your environmental requirements. We work with you to develop proactive solutions using our extensive...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Compliance and Sustainability
Environmental Compliance means conforming to environmental laws, standards, legal mandates, regulations, lease stipulations, mitigation measures, approved plans and permits, and other conditions of approval for activities. Environmental Sustainability relates to activities and developments which address current needs without compromising the ability to meet future requirements. ECOS applies our specialist knowledge and support our clients to achieve...
READ ARTICLE >REACH Authorisatio: Eight More Substances added to the list
Eight more substances of very high concern (SVHC) have been added to the REACH Authorisation list of substances subject to prior approval (Authorisation), following a decision adopted by the European Commission on 14 February 2012. The substances, with uses including plasticisers, pigments and glass manufacture, are diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) diarsenic trioxide diarsenic pentaoxide lead chromate,...
READ ARTICLE >Water, Wastewater: Requirements for Treatment and Compliance
The requirement for control and treatment of Water and Wastewater is driven by health and legislative requirements, including: Local Government (Water Pollution) Acts 1977-1990. The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 Urban Wastewater Treatment (91/271/EEC) Drinking Water (80/778/EEC as amended by 98/83/EC) ECOS have over 20 years of specialist expertise and...
READ ARTICLE >Renewable Energy: Requirement & Aspiration vs Reality
Under the EU Renewable Energy Directive, Ireland has a mandatory target to achieve 16% of its total energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020. Ireland has also set itself a binding target to achieve a 40% renewable energy share of total electricity supply by 2020. The “proposal” was that the vast bulk of this will...
READ ARTICLE >Water Framework Directive
The WFD was created in December 2000 and implemented in 2003 with the aim of improving the quality of our water environment. Its purpose is also to integrate existing European directives into the new legislation. The directive requires each Member State to implement changes to the management of water bodies, taking account of all aspects of the...
READ ARTICLE >Enforcement Policy: Illegal Waste Activity
Limerick County Council’s Enforcement Policy document sets out the policy framework that Limerick County Council will use in acting against illegal waste activity. The legislation which The Council operate under is the Waste Management Acts 1996 to 2008 (WMA Acts). Underlying the policy against illegal waste activity are: Proportionality in the application of environmental law...
READ ARTICLE >Draft Performance Standards for Septic Tanks and other Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems
The draft performance standards for septic tanks and other domestic waste water treatment systems were published on 1 March 2012. The draft standards set out the responsibilities of owners of septic tanks and other systems may be summarised as follows: Know where your tank/treatment system is located. Visually examine the tank/treatment system and percolation area...
READ ARTICLE >Environmental Liability
The European Communities (Environmental Liability) Regulations 2008, (SI 547 of 2008) came into force in Ireland on 1 April 2009 with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage. Environmental liability is based on the “polluter-pays” principle. The Regulations introduced a positive reporting obligation on operators in respect of actual or threatened environmental damage....
READ ARTICLE >Evaluation of the replacement Waste Management Plan Limerick/Clare/Kerry 2006-2011
The Limerick/Clare/Kerry Waste Management Region has commenced an evaluation of the replacement of the Waste Management Plan Limerick.Clare/Kerry 2006 – 2011 and, the Plan will be revised or replaced as necessary to comply with the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC). The evaluation of must occur by 31 December 2012. The subsequent revision or replacement of waste...