Changes to groundwater directive approved
Member state representatives in Brussels have approved a series of reforms to the 2006 groundwater directive after a review of two of its annexes last year but the EU-wide quality standards have not changed. The European Commission decided there was not enough information available to set new quality standards, which means that nitrates and pesticides...
READ ARTICLE >Water pollution is decreasing but read the small print
The good news is that water pollution caused by nitrates has decreased in Europe over the past two decades. However, agricultural pressures are still putting water resources under strain. The latest Report on the implementation of the Nitrates Directive reveals that nitrates concentrations are slightly decreasing in both surface and groundwater and sustainable agricultural practices...
READ ARTICLE >Nitrates Directive: Good Agricultural Practice For Protection of Waters
Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, relates to management of farm wastes and run off to protect surface water and groundwater. The directive is implemented in Ireland by S.I. No. 101/2009 – European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice For Protection of Waters) Regulations 2009 which revoke, and re-enact with amendments,...
READ ARTICLE >Nutrient overload remains despite improvements in legislation
In recent years, strict legislation was introduced to control the amount of nitrate and phosphate that runs into the sea from European rivers. However, water quality has not improved as much as expected and researchers estimate that a time lag of up to 40 years may need to be considered. Excess nutrients can cause an unnatural...
READ ARTICLE >Nitrates Directive: Water Pollution from Agricultural Sources
The Nitrates Directive aims to reduce and prevent water pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources, with the primary emphasis on the management of livestock manures and other fertilisers. The main provisions of this directive are: To monitor and identify polluted waters or water liable to pollution from agricultural nitrates To promote the code of...