Tankered Wastewater Agreement

ECOS regularly prepares applications for both Tankered Wastewater Agreements and Waste Collection Permits.

  • Tankered wastewater is wastewater that is collected and transported by tanker to a suitable wastewater treatment plant.
  • Suitable wastewater treatment plants include facilities which are privately or publicly owned and hold a suitable authorisation from either a local authority or the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • In the Republic of Ireland, facilities which are in public ownership include facilities owned by Uisce Éireann.

Tankered Wastewater can only be accepted at Uisce Éireann facilities where:

  • A Tankerered Wastewater Agreement (TWA) is in place, and
  • Where there is sufficient capacity and infrastructure in place, and
  • There is no negative impact posed by the wastewater on both the wastewater treatment process and the receiving environment.

The types of wastewater which may be accepted under a tankered wastewater agreement include:

  • Commercial / industrial wastewater
  • Landfill leachate
  • Municipal wastewater from private sources

If you are a producer or haulier of tankered wastewater, you will need an authorisation to import that waste into an Uisce Éireann wastewater treatment plant. 

Where is it proposed to transport wastewater by tanker to a number of different Uisce Éireann facilities, a TWA is required between the haulier or the producer and Uisce Éireann for each Uisce Éireann facility. This is granted through a Tankered Wastewater Agreement and applies to:

  • Hauliers/Waste collection permit holders , eg, for imports of septic tank sludge from domestic households..
  • Producers of wastewater

Similarly, where it is proposed to transport Uisce Éireann sludge by tanker to an Uisce Éireann wastewater treatment plant, a Letter of Authorisation from Uisce Éireann is required.

With the exception of Uisce Éireann Sludge, a Tankered Wastewater Agreement must be in place before Uisce Éireann supply a Letter of Authorisation.

  • In order to add an Uisce Éireann wastewater treatment plant to your Waste Collection Permit, a Letter of Authorisation must be provided to the National Waste Collection Permit Office.

Unless otherwise agreed the TWA shall expire upon 12 months from the commencement date unless terminated by either party pursuant to the agreement or extended by Uisce Éireann at its sole discretion.  

  • Uisce Éireann may, on no more than two occasions, extend the term of the TWA by 12 months by giving notice to the Client which shall take immediate effect provided the Client wishes to extend the term.  
  • The entire term shall not exceed 36 months. 

For more information on your tankered wastewater agreement requirements, please contact us.