Troubleshooting and Problem Solving: Wastewater and Activated Sludge

Over the years the first thing we have always looked for on projects is the technical data which is required to establish the nature of the issue to be addressed.  This data will provide the basis for addressing the clients requirements including, licence requirements, environmental management and cost-benefit control.

  • Way too often we have found gaps and omissions in the technical data, which may have contributed to a problem and which invariably need to be addressed in order to meet the clients requirements.
  • The ongoing logging and interpretation of the relevant process control parameters provides the basis for successful troubleshooting and problem solving.

Essential Process Control Parameters for Activated Sludge wastewater treatment include:

  • BOD (or COD) load
  • Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)
  • F/M loading
  • Sludge age (Mean Cell Residence Time)
  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Nutrient requirements
  • Coagulation and Flocculation
  • Sludge settleability
  • Sludge volume index (SVI)
  • Surplus sludge production
  • Mixing considerations
  • Microscopic examination of sludge
  • Upward Flow Velocity (clarifier)

Different process control paramaters will arise for different wastewaters, treatment plants and licence requirements.  For more information please contact us as 061 633666 or 

ECOS Environmental Consultants Limited